
Been so wrapped up in the effort to make money I forgot I have another goal to activate: Making money as an artist and working less for others. I mean, why can't I make an $200 extra--bare minimum--off my art per month?

Talked to the guy who is running the space I have my show at. He is wrapping up some possible sales, including one piece he is buying. So with that maybe I can stave off the impulse to get another job. Ultimately, another job would rob me of the off time needed to concentrate on making work.

Obviously, I am geared to pay my bills. And I will take on stable means to do it. But why must I work so hard? Something has to give. Why do I have to work 6 days a week for a manageable life? It's so fucked. The only thing I spend my money on is a studio. Everything else is the bare minimum: room, food, phone, car insurance, gas. I need a fucking break.

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