
Happy to finally have the opportunity to recover. Unemployment is secured. Now I can focus on my real career.

I have been in LA almost two years. All my short term goals I achieved and superseded. Initially, it was all about getting settled. That included securing work and assimilating socially.

I not only secured work but I made plenty of friends and established myself as a ubiquitous face in the gallery scene.

Now that I'm unemployed (it's a long story), I can take a lot of these friendships and relationships and strengthen them. Now that I no longer have to worry about settling myself, I can cultivate my own community and invent my own universe.

I am doing this with my new friends. And I'm reaching out to newer ones and strengthening all the bonds. I am concerned mostly with allegiance, and this is cultivated with trust, time, and much more personal investment. Of equal importance is community. I am collaborating with other artists to use my space, or theirs, to open up to the community and generate interest. We will do this via events and activities that require groups.

We are beginning with a party to celebrate the release of my zine. Who knows how many, or how few, will make it. The point is that it happens. This was Kembra's idea. In order to be a real artist I must open my life to others and be willing to give to my community.

I have never been this open in my life.

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