
Well, the show was a monstrous disaster. That's dramatic, because I had a good time, but it's a disaster whenever you spend that much money and make none of it back. I sold nothing.

It also didn't help that who I showed with is a mean, childish drunk. The whole vibe was ruined.

Yeah, I appreciate the love and support of my friends. But I want to make a living. This is what I do! I paint! I'm an artist!

It validated my fear that my art has been wasted. I've wasted my art by not having it known. Just a few hillbillies know and some assholes around the bay area know.

I want to be on Barbara Walters. I want her to interview me because I'm a fascinating artist. By the rate I've been going, if I continue wasting time in the bay just representing myself, that interview will never happen. I am through wasting my time.

In 2011, my objective is to hunt for the appropriate gallery representation. Will I get some this year? Who knows? All I know is I have to start working for it. I'm not going to worry about any shows. I'm going to worry about my ability to shine and get what I want.

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