
I used to enter Kmarts and shove all the bags off the shelves. Left would be a carnage of purses, backpacks, and satchels on the floor. I would exit unassuming but giggling fiercely inside.

In highschool late at night my friends and I would plaster maxi-pads on Churches in the shape of upside-down crosses. To top it off, we'd splatter red food coloring all over them. Then we would photograph ourselves in front of them pretending to have anal sex.

Sometimes we'd create concoctions of condiments in cups and splatter them against the houses of people we hated.


We painted nude hermaphrodites on cars in whipped cream with marachino cherry nipples.

For some reason the sight of food hitting walls and shattering into peices is always hysterical to me.

In realms where snots are lurking I will plant disgusting bombs of gas. This is hysterical as well.

Condoms filled with Elmer's glue on playgrounds is funny too.

Anna and I used to put maxi-pads in thongs at Mervyns and tampons in panties.

Sometimes we'd leave random pairs of briefs with shit-stains on the floors of Safeway.

Once I left a jar of yellow liquid on the patio of my friend's with a maxi pad saying "DIE" on it. His parents almost called the cops.

Once a friend and I put blue mashed potatoes in the gas tank of a girl we hated.

She called the cops on us.

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