
I had to leave Will for my trip to Seattle tomarrow. He stood out by his door and waved with a smile until I was out of sight. I watched him in the review mirror...swooning, sighing.

So very lovely, it's the simple things like that.

Today we went to the San Francisco bay and sat on a bench. In silence. With hands being held. And my lips on his cheek. He sighs and closes his eyes whenever I touch his face...it's really sublime. It's these kind of moments I cherish...tacit exchanges of love like that.

Last night I could be found on a beetlejuice couch in a posh hotel with beautiful people. Will sat beside me with a flute glass in one hand and the other on my thigh. "Don't you see how commanding you are?" he suddenly asked. "You are the most beautiful person here. You are breath-taking. You have power, Shaun, and beauty, and class, and intelligence. Every day you amaze me, Shaun. You are incredible. You see through all of this. I am in love with you, Shaun. I adore you". My eyes, of course, began to water.

This is what he does. Every day. At literally every moment. Tells me how incredible I am and why he adores me. And because it's so loving, it's very cathartic. I always get alligator tears when he talks. It's that moving and incredible.

I am loved and it is amazing. And I love and it is amazing.

Life is a dream. He is a dream. And I am the luckiest man at the moment.

It's just blows me away how important this is. My mother told me that the first time she talked to Will (which was also the first day I met him) she knew he would have a strong role in my life.

Well she was certainly right.

This is perfectly right.


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