
A little over two years now since I moved to LA. The changes have swept over me. Again, I am re-calibrating my objective.

Deleted all work-references on instagram. It troubles me that I am known for servitude over my art. I have a reputation for working A LOT (I work 7 days a week). I am a fixture in the local art scene. Big fucking deal.

Now, the conversation tends to be about how marvelous it is how much I work. But I don't want to talk about that anymore.

Going through a big image-upheaval. Removing the online work shoutouts. Staying mum on work conversation and re-directing the conversation towards my own work and my upcoming show. Tired of supporting artists, being involved in propping the art community, talking about gallery spaces and what other people are doing.

If I'm going to go to a show, I want to because I have art in it. If I'm going to be propping the art community, it's because it serves my interests, not others. I want to decrease the slashes in my name. I do not want to cater to this trend of artist as curator as gallerist as community representative. I want to be artist as artist as artist.

I want to be an artist who happens to work in the art world as a way to support his art. Not a worker who makes art as a hobby on the side. No fucking thank you.

Additionally, I am reviewing my friends with the utmost scrutiny and suspicion. I am questioning my relationship to them, my objective, and whether they add to my life or not.

I have made a lot of friends. But how many of them make me happy? I have been distancing myself from those who work in the art world but seemingly hate everything that has to do with it (which is common). I don't need that negative attitude in my life.

It is good. I am focusing on what matters and what makes me happy. I am making GOOD art, and it feels incredible. I am seriously going to make this shit happen. I really can't bear it not happening.

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