
I have 9 paintings I've started, and no clear direction what to do with them once they are finished.

I have no show planned. I don't think I even care about a show. I thought about promoting myself to a gallery, yet I am divided because once again my paintings are evolving. It seems that galleries don't want evolving artists. They call it "underdeveloped".

I want a gallery to connect me to my audience. I need a team of people to help me with the advertising of my paintings. I am willing to share half the profit.

I am not committed, however, to one consistent "look" to my paintings.

The only thing that seems to be holding me back is the consistent-image issue. I literally cannot do one thing.

There are galleries that specialize in "early-career artists". I think I can work with that. Ultimately, I am tired of waiting. As far as I'm concerned, an artist is "underdeveloped" for 30 years anyway. I've never seen a good painting from someone who didn't work at least 20 years in the first place.

Is an "early-career" gallery my best bet?

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