
I cannot believe how fabulous I am.

I am now co-owner of property in San Francisco.

And it is not your ordinary property. It is centered in a flux of sky-skrapers in the heart of it all. The port is a couple blocks away and the museums and stores and everything are everywhere.

Sure, I won't have any money for months but I'm already fabulous. My closet is designer and I already have everything.

It's amazing what I have materially.

Emotionally, I seem to have it all as well. Definitely there are things to be improved upon--nobodies perfect. But I feel pretty good.

Yesterday I got a domestic partnership with Will so I'm practically married.

The next steps are finishing school, being a colossal good artist, buying more property, and building my assets. At this rate, I will be able to buy property in good old Manhatten.

All my dreams have come true and it's amazing. I've just put it out into the universe and everything's come together. You really do get what you ask for.

I still want tons of success as an artist--financially and most especially, emotionally. I want to invent as an artist new territories of emotional expression. I want to be able to satisfy my heart and thus entertain a plethora of people. Art art art...that's all that really matters anyway. It's just icing on the cake that I'm so fabulous!!!

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