
I am working on some major self-esteem issues. The following are on my agenda or have already been employed:

First things first, I am learning to VOCALIZE my thoughts instead of depending on this diary. So far I am less angry, less stressed, and happier.

Secondly, I am now looking at people instead of ignoring them and being afraid. As a result, I fidget less and am far more comfortable.

At some point I want to try an improv group to loosen up and improve my charm.

After that, some dancing classes.

And through it all, therapy.

Then finally take that speech class I've been avoiding.

Then a nude beach to get comfortable in my skin.

Soon I'm going a muted blond.

I am on a healthy diet now and losing weight (bliss).

I am learning to enjoy money.

I am learning to pick the right friends.

And most importantly, I am learning not to gossip.

This is the perfect time in my life to improve on my confidence.

I must have the best for myself.

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# Gay Diary ?