
There's this chick who's always molesting me. It pisses me off. She'll say something patronizing like "how ya doing?" in a sing-songy-mother voice and stroke my back salaciously. She's the girl who always has her old holy thong hanging out of her ass in my face whenever I'm near her.

So today I was taking a breather from class when around the corner I discovered a sexy male strip club. It was astounding to me because it was in the middle of a neighborhood.

I came back to class excited with my news. I told Esther-the-molester and very piously with her nose up in the air she responded, "I don't look for those kind of places...".

I wanted to smack her in the face. This is coming from a chick who hits on a gay guy and cops a feel on him whenever she can! Fucking hypocrite.

I guess I wouldn't be so pissed if she didn't have such a holy reverance for herself as if she has never had a sexual thought in her life.

I hate people like that. It's always the pastor who condemns gay people but has a collection of girl-on-girl magazines at home (true story).

I still want to smack her in the face.

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# Gay Diary ?