
Last night you were smothering me in your sleep. I had two inches left on my side of the bed. I asked you to please scoot over, baby.

In a child-like robotic voice you responded, "i'm-close-to-you-because-i-love-you". You moved over and proceeded to moo.

I laughed inside when you were grumpy and crabby. Your eyes were swollen shut from sleep depravation and your canker sore was killing you. Your entire body was aggro and you stomped around like a child. You were so upset that you put your hooded sweatshirt on backward. When you realized your mistake, you tore it off and pouted at me. I tried not to laugh but you were so cute.

I sucked your dick while you drove on the freeway. You held my head and sped up to 80. Musk in my mouth, your head in my mouth. I felt like the queen of the chearleading squad. My big sexy man. The football star.

I swallowed your cum. Every drop. Your wavering wheel. Your gasp on the glass.

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# Gay Diary ?