
Despite the suction of my lips on his sack, the threesome I was in was one of the most impersonal moments of my life.

Bodies entangled onto mine. Lips met my dick that I never even kissed. And no one's emotions mattered to me.

Nothing phased me. I was a pornstar.

When my briefs hit the floor, I was utterly immodest. "Whatever!" I cried and the boys jumped my bones.

I did things to this blond that months ago I could barely even do to the first guy I was seeing.

Well, a lot has certainly changed in 7 months. I was a virgin prior, now I'm having homos heave in my hands.

It's a freeing sensation from a culture that plagues sexuality with guilt.

But I performed with stride. I had faith in myself. I was totally shameless. And I'll only take it farther.

It feels good to be cheap. You should try it sometime.

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