
I went out with the opera singer and the entire time he talked about sex. He kept emphasizing his fetish for facials and even offered to play me a porno.

I could tell all this amorous talk was leading somewhere insidious.

At one point he asked me what turned me on. I played Mr.Innocent and said "Romance" to dispel any ideas.

Then he said, "I hope this doesn't sound too forward...but I find you very sexy." He inched closer, "You have a very open energy."

I smiled, laughed, said thank you, stared at my hands, and got ready to go.

And on my way out the door he kissed me, and kissed me and kissed me and kissed me.

And although I wasn't for it, I can't help feel absolutely wonderful.

I love it I love it I love it.

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# Gay Diary ?