
New life is beginning. Realizing I have another risk to take. New image. New direction.

S_____ as artist, not constant worker/art world fixture. But S____ as artist.

In LA, you have lots of artists. You have blue chip full time artists, regular full-time artists, artists who facilitate community platforms, artists who do it all (artist/curator/magazine editor/event space coordinator), people who used to be artists but just make art for others, and then people who dabble here and there.

On a side note, I just don't like this idea of spinning my wheels for others and serving a community function. B. I don't want to use my energy doing multiple things, like curating a show (which is a ton of work). Plus, I don't want to be the type of artist who does things for others. Murals are public art, for instance. Most murals are pretty hideous. Writing about artists and promoting their work is for writers, not artists. Artist curated shows are whatever, they just get the artists together. But do they sell?

No more tedious conversations with my peers about curating. I could care less. Tired of going to support other artists, like I'm a groupie. Gotta be extremely selective who I act as a groupie for. If they're going to support me then I'll support them. And I can tell who cares and who doesn't. I no longer wish to act as if I'm on the outside being a prop. I don't want to prop anyone at all anymore.

No more availability for things that don't serve my own immediate art interests. I am tired of being available for things that don't matter for people who don't return the energy.

Now that I've set some parameters, I have art to finish for my show. The guy who runs the space is doing a studio visit tonight. This is big for me. Wish me luck!

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